It looks like I might actually get my new video card today, which is amazing, since I ordered it yesterday morning. I didn�t realize that the place I ordered it from was in NJ.

How is it that I when I finally pry myself away from my computer and start interacting with the living, I end up meeting the geekiest guy in Philadelphia?

Now that it�s cold, I�ve been spending more time with my computer. I got a 300 gb drive last week, which I didn�t install until Saturday. Technically, it�s still not fully installed, yet, because I can be really lazy when it comes to things like that. It�s weird, but most people who build their own computers are panting to get new hardware in. For me, there�s little thrill in it. It�s more just a matter of practicality. Computer pieces are a lot cheaper than whole computers.

The cold makes it so much easier for me to stay indoors and actually work on those things.

It�s funny because my case is still sitting open. Part of the reason that I�m leaving it open is that I have multi-colored LEDs in my case fans. Multi-colored LEDs that I don�t see unless the case is open while the computer is on.

The only other option would be a plexiglass case. I think of building a plexiglass case as being similar to putting a gigantic spoiler on your car as an after market part. It�s completely unnecessary and ridiculous looking.

Oh, the other part of the reason I�m leaving it open is because after moving some stuff from my 40gb to the 300gb, I have to take it out and put my 15gb in, and move stuff from that. There�s only enough room for two hard drives at a time in my computer. I guess I should at least not leave it on the floor with the cats walking all over it.

I�m not really a geek.

I studied art, you know.

One thing I don�t understand. If other people don�t spend their time doing the things that I spend my time doing, what is it that they�re doing? I understand that most people have a family, but how much time can a family take?

Tonight, I�m going to another drawing studio session. The practice will be good, and hopefully inspire me to do a little more drawing. This is my problem. I alternate between reading, writing, drawing, karate, yoga, (diving in the summer) and playing with my computer, so I never get anything done. Thank God I can�t play my guitar until it�s restrung.

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Tuesday, Nov. 21, 2006 at 10:41 AM